Bag is used to carry all of my PPE & Gear from station to station. All gear fits with some extra room to spare. Bag is not quite as durable as I had hoped. With all of my gear in the bag, the shoulder strap is not recommended for use. The plastic hardware / clips are very easily damaged & the stitching isn't very durable. The shoulder strap / hardware on my first bag broke within the first six months. Although the bag was out of warranty, customer service was willing to replace with a new one after checking with a supervisor. However, the hardware is already starting to become damaged where shoulder strap secures to the bag. As the bag is advertised as: High Visibility Large Turnout Gear Bag. Plenty of room for all your turnout gear, boots, helmet, personal equipment and supplies. Yes, all of my gear fits as I have previously mentioned but, it appears that weight of all my gear is too much for the bag to handle (I have nothing but my turnout gear, boots, helmet, small hand tools in my bunker pants pocket, & a stethoscope.).